After the earthquake: tailor-made changes for a tailor's life work

Spread the Word, Not the Virus

星耀棋牌官网下载_星耀棋牌官方免费下载_麦氪派:2021-6-5 · 【游戏简介】 星耀棋牌是一款老少皆宜的炸金花 手机游戏,游戏玩法 简单,上手极快,疯狂炸金花还保留了炸金花中的经典棋牌玩法,并且在其基础上新增不少特色玩法,快来下载疯狂炸金花试玩下吧。 【游戏亮点】 1.活动精彩奖励丰厚; 2.互动交流玩牌交友; 3.天天登录免费领奖。

Free Legal Aid serving those at risk of being left behind

Combating domestic violence amid COVID-19

Handover ceremony of ventilators at Mother Theresa Hospital
Oil and water don't mix: Recycling cooking oil is protecting the biodiversity of Albania's seas
Much of the economic activity in southwest Albania’s coastal areas hinges on the Karaburun-Sazan peninsula. But the health of the ecosystem has been at risk due to cooking oils being dumped in the sea. So restaurants and businesses have taken on a unique recycling initiative to reclaim this natural beauty.

Country Programme Document for Albania (2017-2021)
This is the UNDP-Albania Country Programme which outlines our four programme pillars: Democratic Governance and Rule of Law, Promoting Social Inclusion and the rights of vulnerable communities, Ensuring that young women and men have opportunities and skills, and Environment and Climate Change.

I am your child
In the context of the Free & Equal campaign, we are working with parents of the LGBT community and youth to promote greater acceptance and inclusion for people coming from the LGBT community in Albania. We spoke with advocates of the cause. Watch the series.

What we do
UNDP is the UN's global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in some 170 countries and territories, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. As they develop local capacity, they draw on the people of UNDP and our wide range of partners. Present in Albania since 1991, UNDP works with the Government and People of Albania, including its civil society and businesses, to strengthen the rule of law, promote human rights and freedoms, protect the environment and support economic and social reforms for social inclusion and an equitable society.


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赛尔号手游_赛尔号h5游戏在线玩_赛尔号经典版官网 - 61.com:2021-6-11 · 赛尔号手游 赛尔号手游 赛尔号星球大战 赛尔号星球大战 花语学园 花语学园 赛尔号 赛尔号 食物归类者H5 食物归类者H5 小花仙 小花仙 创想兵团 创想兵团 梦道H5 梦道H5 不思议地下城H5 不思议地下城H5 龙之影H5 龙之影H5 仙剑缘H5 仙剑缘H5 我的帝国H5 我的帝国H5 ...

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Poverty rate
Youth Unemployment rate
Human Dev. Index
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